Posted in Photo blog Bee Love Zachary Huang 08/21/2019 1 Comment on Bee Love Bee-love [By Zachary Huang] When missing you I taste a bit of honey It is still sweet, as usual The promise you made For thousands of years I can hear Your humming Your wings dancing With flowers faintly scented Closing my eyes I can feel you from the sky ascent Like an angel From God My head becomes light I don’t know if I am smitten Or just because my blood sugar is high It should be your beauty And your hidden stinger Both, Give me that shiver 2019.8.20, 00:51 ** Probably because I was shooting bees swarming over the beebee tree at MSU campus, that I could not sleep that night and came up with this one. 1. Beebee tree loaded with bees. 2. Closeup of a bee on male flowers 3. A bee working on female flowers. can you see the difference? The middle thing that sticks out is the stigma (the part which receives pollen). Post Views: 918 Author: Zachary Huang
Great resource, thanks for this information