Summer flower 13: Goji Bees

Family: Solanaceae
Genus: Lycium
Species: L. chinense
Common names: wolfberry, Chinese matrimony vine
ZBAS 6 (0 to 10, Zach’s bee attraction score)

Long time no beetographying…The last time I serious shot bees was probably in Taiyuan, China (June 6-July 6th).

Based on its rather wide leaves, I think this is L. chinense, rather than L. barbarum. I see that bees were working on them for the last few days.  I thought it would be too cool this morning around 9 am to see them, but they were foraging. It seems they were foraging for both nectar and pollen. These were planted in our backyard garden and we eat the leaves.  Goji berry fruit is a medicine in China.  I have seen honey produced from this plan, mainly in the Ningxia region.

1. Flower, without flash. Had to use high ISO, shaded areas did not have enough light.

2. Flower, with flash.

3. A bee approaching this flower from a full view of the flower. No flash.

4. a bee with pollen, which is pale.  no flash.

5. All other photos below used internal flash at 1/250 and F13-18.




9. A bumble bee also foraging on it.

10. Sweet potatoes also blooming… in case you wonder why it looks so similar to a morning glory…they are in the same family, Convolvulaceae.

Updated 7/19/2024. First posted 8/23/2012.

Author: Zachary Huang

1 thought on “Summer flower 13: Goji Bees

  1. Goji is flowerfull during period of few months every year. Flowers of goji are beautiful and bees love them. Thank you for theese beautiful shots. Regards

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