Michigan Honey Plants

The following is a list of the major Michigan plants that provide nectar or pollen for honey bees.  Photos can be searched by common name (e.g. apple, corn, or crocus) at https://ww3.beetography.com directly.

Zachary Huang, Michigan State University

Common Name Latin Name Blooming time Photo Link
Alfalfa Medicago sativa July-August Photo
Aster Aster spp Most after frost Photo
Basswood Tilia spp May to July Photo
Blueberry (lowbush, high bush) Vaccinium spp May highbush, lowbush
Bluevine Gonolobus laevis
Buckbrush Symporicarpos spp
Buckwheat Fagopyrum esculentum June-July
Clover, Alsike Trifolium hybridum Photos
Clover, Crimson Trifolium incanatum Photos
Clover, Red Trifolium pratense summer Photos
Clover, sweetclover Meliotus spp June to Sept
Clover, white Trifolium repens all summer Photos
Corn Zea mays July Photos
Cranberry Vaccinium macrocarpon Photo
Crocus Crocus sativas April to May Photos
Cucurbits: Cantaloup Cucumis melo summer Photo
Cucurbits: Cucumber Cucumis spp Photos
Cucurbits :Gourds Cucurbita spp Photo
Cucurbits: Melon Citrullus spp Photo
Cucurbits: Pumpkin Cucurbita spp Photo
Cucurbits: Squash Cucurbita spp Photo
Dandelion Taraxacum spp March to May Photo
Elm Ulmus spp Photo
Fireweed Epilobium angustifolium Photo
Fruit: Apple Malus spp May, first week Photo
Fruit: Apricot Prunus spp Photo
Fruit: Cherry Prunus spp Slightly before apple Photo
Fruit: Peach Prunus spp May Photo
Fruit: Pear Pyrus spp May, 2nd week Photo
Fruit: Plum Prunus spp May Photo
Goldenrod Solidago spp Sept, Oct Photo
Grape Vitis spp May Photo
Locust: Black Robinia pseudo-acacia June Photo
Loose-strife, Purple Lythrum spp Photo
Maple Acer spp April, May Photo
Milkweed Asclepias spp Summer swamp
Mint, Mountain Pycnanthemum ? Photo
Mint, Spear Photo
Mustard Brassica spp Photo
Oak Quercus spp Photo
Raspberry Rubus spp Summer Photo
Sourwood Oxydendrum arboreum Photo
Soybean Glycine max Photo
Skunk cabbage Symplocarpus foetidus Photos
Spanish-needles Bidens bipinnata Photo
Sumac Rhus spp June Photos
Sunflower Helianthus spp July Photos
Thistle, Canadian Cirsium arvense
Thistle, Star Centaurea spp late summer Photo

Disclaimer: This fact sheet is for information only. Mention of products does not indicate endorsement. Prepared by Zachary Huang, Department of Entomology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA. email: bees@msu.edu.

url: http://bees.msu.edu/honey-plants/

Author: Zachary Huang

4 thoughts on “Michigan Honey Plants

  1. Are there any plans recommended for the city? I live in Royal Oak and don’t have alot of land, but would love to plant what I can to provide bees with nutients.

  2. Is there any estimations how many trees or acres of flowers required per bee family?

  3. I would say you will need about 5 acres to support one bee colony. Just my guestimate.

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