Zachary Huang
Associate Professor

243 Natural Science
Phone: (517) 353-8136
Fax: (517) 353-4354

B.Sc. (Hons) Plant Protection, Hunan Agricultural University
Ph.D. Honey Bee Behavior & Physiology, University of Guelph

21% Research, 53% Extension, 26% Teaching

Research-extension program:
Huang's main research interest is in honey bee biology. He uses computational, behavioral, physiological, and biochemical methods to understand the social organization of a bee colony. One of his goals is to combine basic and applied research to develop a program that would benefit the beekeeping industry. His current research focuses on impact of parasites (Nosema apis, Varroa jacobsoni) on physiology and foraging behavior of worker bees. He maintains a web page for extension purpose and is working closely with Michigan beekeepers to find better strategies for pest and disease management in honey bees. He teaches a course in apiculture and co-teaches Insect Physiology with Alex Raikhel.

Research Progress Reports

GREEEN Grant Report: Varroa Mite Control in Michigan: Resistance Management, Resistance Mechanism and Development of Non-Pesticide Alternatives

Poster presentation at the 1999 Annual Meeting of Entomological Society of America: Nosema Project

Poster presentation at the 1999 Annual Meeting of Entomological Society of America: Varroa Project

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