Tag: photos

Spring flower 6: Skunk cabbage

Family Araceae Genus Symplocarpus Species S. foetidus ZBAS* 9 Alternative title: Eastern skunk cabbage, a peculiar plant that provides bees… read more Spring flower 6: Skunk cabbage

Spring flower 2: Crocus

Family Iridaceae Genus Crocus Species C. chrysanthus, C. vernus Common names crocus ZBAS*: 9 Crocus flowers is common in the… read more Spring flower 2: Crocus

Spring flower 1: Winter Aconite

Zachary Huang, Michigan State University Citation: Huang, Z.Y. 2019. Michigan spring flowers: 1. winter aconite. BeetheBest Blog, http://bees.msu.edu/2014/winter-aconite/. Accessed on… read more Spring flower 1: Winter Aconite

Shootout at the Matthaei Botanical Gardens

August 8, 2017, I was invited to give a talk on honey bee photography (which I call “beetography”) to the… read more Shootout at the Matthaei Botanical Gardens

False queen in a laying worker colony

At the Friday lab meeting, I was told that one colony has become all “laying workers” by a visiting scholar… read more False queen in a laying worker colony

A bee on a bee balm

a bee who is calm, she worked on a bee balm. i asked did she see it as pink? she… read more A bee on a bee balm

Bees foraging on white bleeding hearts (Lamprocapnos spectabilis “Alba”)

In memory of those who died today, 26 years ago, June 4, 1989 in Beijing China. The red ones of… read more Bees foraging on white bleeding hearts (Lamprocapnos spectabilis “Alba”)

2013 in Photos

1. Jan 11, The Chocolate Factory, Hershey, PA. The ABRC (American Bee Research Conference) was hold there, I organized the… read more 2013 in Photos