Bees foraging on white bleeding hearts (Lamprocapnos spectabilis “Alba”)
In memory of those who died today, 26 years ago, June 4, 1989 in Beijing China. The red ones of… read more Bees foraging on white bleeding hearts (Lamprocapnos spectabilis “Alba”)
A mite that smells like a bee
Zachary Huang, Michigan State University The story goes back to 2004, when I invited a friend and colleague, Dr. Yves… read more A mite that smells like a bee
Beautiful luffa flowers under bee vision
This is a “formal post” to the site dedicated to ultraviolet photography, I have previously seen many bees visiting… read more Beautiful luffa flowers under bee vision
Singing to the bees
Beelieve it or not, I found this when I was bored one day. That was when I was a student,… read more Singing to the bees
To feed, or not to feed
This is the question for us beekeepers. A recent study from Beeinformed group (linked here) says that colonies would actually… read more To feed, or not to feed
16 years @ MSU
Today is my 16th anniversary at MSU! time surely flew away fast…
Yellowjackets are not as smart as honey bees
At least when it comes to finding their nest entrance… Because our great leader Obama said “mow less” (in his… read more Yellowjackets are not as smart as honey bees
Bees are smart and artsy
Honey bees have long been shown able to learn different colors, shapes, and patterns. Noble prize winner Karl R. von… read more Bees are smart and artsy