Summer flower 4: Staghorn sumac

  Family: Anacardiaceae Genus: Rhus Species: R. typhina Common name: Staghorn sumac ZBAS: 8 I just noticed that this flower is… read more Summer flower 4: Staghorn sumac

Beehavior 1: Colony wide Nasonov-pheromone releasing

1. Video of a behavior I did with my cell phone: This is the second time I saw this. The… read more Beehavior 1: Colony wide Nasonov-pheromone releasing

Summer flower 2: Everlasting peace [peas]

Family Fabaceae Genus Lathyrus Species L. sylvestris ZBAS* 6 Photos were taken July 10th, 2010.  The patch was right before… read more Summer flower 2: Everlasting peace [peas]

Summer flower 1: Do bees forage on cattails?

Family Typhaceae Genus Typha Species T. latifolia ZBAS* 0.5 (Michigan)8 (China, to A. cerana) I have spent about 1.5 hours… read more Summer flower 1: Do bees forage on cattails?

Spring flower 30: Poison ivy, nasty but has honey

Family Anacardiaceae Genus Toxicodendron Species T. radicans ZBAS 3 There are actually several species of Toxicodendron in the US, the… read more Spring flower 30: Poison ivy, nasty but has honey

Spring flower 27: Desert false indigo

Family: Fabaceae Subfamily: Faboideae Genus: Amorpha Species: A. fruticosa Common names desert false indigofalse indigo-bushbastard indigobush ZBAS* 8 This flower was… read more Spring flower 27: Desert false indigo

Spring flower 26: Smoke bush

Family Anacardiaceae Genus Cotinus Species C. coggygria Common name smoke tree, smoke bush, 黄栌 ZBAS 8 It is called “smoky… read more Spring flower 26: Smoke bush

Spring flower 25: Autumn olive

The autumn olives (wolf berry, Russian olive) are in peak bloom now but yesterday (May 22, 2015), being so cool… read more Spring flower 25: Autumn olive