Category: Photo blog

Summer flower 9: Canada thistle

Family: Asteraceae Genus: Cirsium Species: C. arvense Common names: creeping, field thistle ZBAS 8 OK, I start with the bad… read more Summer flower 9: Canada thistle

Summer flower 7: White clover

Zachary Huang, Michigan State University Family: Fabaceae Genus: Trifolium Species: T. repens Common names: Dutch clover, Ladino clover, or Ladino… read more Summer flower 7: White clover

Summer flower 8: Sweet clovers

Family: Fabaceae Genus: Melilotus Species: M. alba, M. officinalis Common names: white/yellow sweet clovers ZBAS 8 White honey production from… read more Summer flower 8: Sweet clovers

A queen was dead, but then resurrected!

I was doing beekeeping yesterday. Found one queen in a weak colony but she had 2 solid frames of brood…. read more A queen was dead, but then resurrected!

Summer flower 6: Crown Vetch

Family: Fabaceae Genus: Securigera Species: S. varia Common names: Crown vetch ZBAS* Honey bees 3, bumble bees 8 This flower… read more Summer flower 6: Crown Vetch

Summer flower 4: Staghorn sumac

  Family: Anacardiaceae Genus: Rhus Species: R. typhina Common name: Staghorn sumac ZBAS: 8 I just noticed that this flower is… read more Summer flower 4: Staghorn sumac

Beehavior 1: Colony wide Nasonov-pheromone releasing

1. Video of a behavior I did with my cell phone: This is the second time I saw this. The… read more Beehavior 1: Colony wide Nasonov-pheromone releasing

Summer flower 2: Everlasting peace [peas]

Family Fabaceae Genus Lathyrus Species L. sylvestris ZBAS* 6 Photos were taken July 10th, 2010.  The patch was right before… read more Summer flower 2: Everlasting peace [peas]