Michigan Honey Plants

The following is a list of the major Michigan plants that provide nectar or pollen for honey bees.  Photos can… read more Michigan Honey Plants

2015 In Review

Please follow me as I travel (or staying locally) and shoot bees and flowers, during the great 2015. 1. Jan… read more 2015 In Review

Flowering status (2015)

Photo collection of Bee Plant flowers (2015) Zachary Huang I. This year’s (2015) flowering status,  updated at 1-2 week intervals…. read more Flowering status (2015)

A journey of beetography, and of people

Awards: 10. The world renowned honey bee scientific journal, Apidologie, used my photos as covers for 3 times, each time… read more A journey of beetography, and of people

MSU Provides Queen Rearing Course

2015 MSU Queen Rearing Course Michigan State University Queen Rearing short course teaches the basics of queen rearing.  Learn the… read more MSU Provides Queen Rearing Course

Flowering time

June 21. I saw both yellow and white sweet clovers blooming along highways today. It is likely they have been… read more Flowering time

Bees swarming over American holly

By accident I noticed that there are two holly trees in front of the CIPS building (north door) on Saturday… read more Bees swarming over American holly

Black locust, a major honey plant in Michigan

I noticed today that flowers of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia, Fabaceae) are nearly gone, so I thought I need to… read more Black locust, a major honey plant in Michigan