A bee foraging on crososmia (Iridaceae)
(rewritten from “the lady in red”) The crocosmia sings: You are dancing with me I become red, cheek to cheek… read more A bee foraging on crososmia (Iridaceae)
Bees foraging on catalpa leaves, anyone?
Ok, I have seen bees foraging on catalpa flowers, many years ago. In fact here are some pictures I took,… read more Bees foraging on catalpa leaves, anyone?
Bee vampire picks the right host to suck
Contact(s): Mark Kuykendall , Zachary Huang New insights into the reproductive secrets of one of the world’s tiniest and most… read more Bee vampire picks the right host to suck
Survival analysis in R: time-saving method 2
This blog continues from last time, in trying to generate “long data form” required by R (or any survival analysis,… read more Survival analysis in R: time-saving method 2
Survival analysis in R: time-saving method
In my last blog, we successfully reproduced the SAS method for survival analysis, but it was a pain (and error… read more Survival analysis in R: time-saving method
Survival analysis in R
Last time I showed how you can use SAS to perform survival analysis, but SAS cost money. Many people are… read more Survival analysis in R
Low temperature stress and bee survival and behavior
A new paper is published today on PLoS One: Low-Temperature Stress during Capped Brood Stage Increases Pupal Mortality, Misorientation and… read more Low temperature stress and bee survival and behavior
Reasons for obsessively shooting bees
I get asked by many as to why I constantly take photographs of honey bees on flowers. Don’t they all… read more Reasons for obsessively shooting bees