Category: Publication

Effects of Nosema on Honey Bee Behavior and Physiology

Zachary Huang, Michigan State University Jointly published in the American Bee Journal and in Bee Culture, September 2011 and also… read more Effects of Nosema on Honey Bee Behavior and Physiology

Varroa Mite Reproductive Biology

Jointly published in the American Bee Journal and in Bee Culture, October 2012. Also at Zachary Huang, Michigan… read more Varroa Mite Reproductive Biology

Bee vampire picks the right host to suck

Contact(s): Mark Kuykendall , Zachary Huang New insights into the reproductive secrets of one of the world’s tiniest and most… read more Bee vampire picks the right host to suck

Low temperature stress and bee survival and behavior

A new paper is published today on PLoS One: Low-Temperature Stress during Capped Brood Stage Increases Pupal Mortality, Misorientation and… read more Low temperature stress and bee survival and behavior

who stole my pollen basket? Scientists have identified how a single gene in honey bees separates the queens from the workers. A team of… read more who stole my pollen basket?

Bee venom component melittin reduces HIV infectivity

Antivir Ther. 2013;18(1):95-103. doi: 10.3851/IMP2346. Epub 2012 Sep 6. Cytolytic nanoparticles attenuate HIV-1 infectivity. Hood JL, Jallouk AP, Campbell N,… read more Bee venom component melittin reduces HIV infectivity

Two covers in March

For the first time in my life, I have two photos published simultaneously by the two major beekeeping magazines in… read more Two covers in March

Apiculture of China

“Apiculture of China” (中国蜂业) is a journal published jointly by Institute of Apicultural Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and … read more Apiculture of China