Author: Zachary Huang
Merry Christmas, my bees
There is something in common Between me and you You are eating your honey I’m eating your honey too However… read more Merry Christmas, my bees
HAS to be held in Evansville, IN
The Heartland Apicultural Society’s Annual Conference is back for 2022! The conference team developing an agenda and identifying top-notch speakers… read more HAS to be held in Evansville, IN
Zach’s bee poem published
Bee-love When missing youI taste a bit of honeyIt is still sweet, as usualThe promise you madeFor thousands of… read more Zach’s bee poem published
Honey bee nutrition
Posted on August 20, 2019 by bee-health Honey Bee Nutrition CAP Updates: 10 Zachary Huang, Michigan State University Jointly published… read more Honey bee nutrition
Bees and social insects
How special are honey bees in the animal kingdom? What other animals on planet earth share the same features as… read more Bees and social insects
Effects of Nosema on Honey Bee Behavior and Physiology
Zachary Huang, Michigan State University Jointly published in the American Bee Journal and in Bee Culture, September 2011 and also… read more Effects of Nosema on Honey Bee Behavior and Physiology
Varroa Mite Reproductive Biology
Jointly published in the American Bee Journal and in Bee Culture, October 2012. Also at Zachary Huang, Michigan… read more Varroa Mite Reproductive Biology
Honey bee anatomy
1. Head Head of the honey bee The head is the center of information gathering. It is here that the… read more Honey bee anatomy