Category: Uncategorized

Bees worth a billion $ in Michigan

Importance of honey bees to Michigan agriculture Zachary Huang, MSU URL of this article: The Western honey bee Apis… read more Bees worth a billion $ in Michigan

Stopping hackers using denyhosts

I was supposed to be preparing for my talk for tomorrow at the SEMBA meeting, but then I saw these… read more Stopping hackers using denyhosts

Upcoming talks

Zachary Huang will be giving the following talks: 1. ANR week, March 12/13, New twists on Nosema disease, honey bee… read more Upcoming talks


Welcome to the Web Page of Zachary Huang, honey bee scientist at Michigan State University. Currently under construction using a… read more BeeCool!

Researchers attempt to protect bees from parasites

By Krystle Wagner (Last updated: 12/09/09 9:46pm) MSU researchers are one step closer to protecting honeybees from parasites. Entomology professor… read more Researchers attempt to protect bees from parasites

Bee colonies on the ropes

Web-posted Jun 6, 2007 Experts perplexed as whole hives of adults just disappear By CHRISTOPHER SCRIBNER Special to The Oakland… read more Bee colonies on the ropes