Honey Bee and Insect Related Links

Honey Bees Research Labs:

  1. Arizona State University Dr. J.H. Fewell
  2. Cornell University Bee Lab Dr. N. Calderone | Dr. T. D. Seeley
  3. Michigan State University Bee Lab Dr. F.C. Dyer | Dr. Z.Y. Huang
  4. Ohio State University The Rothenbuhler Honey Bee Research Laboratory | Dr. B.H. Smith
  5. Penn State University Bee Lab | Dr. S. Camazine
  6. University of California (Davis) Bee Lab. Dr. R.E. Page | Dr. C.Y.S. Peng
  7. Universtiy of California (Riverside) Bee Lab. Africanized Bees | Dr. K. Visscher
  8. University of Colorado at Boulder Dr. M.D. Breed
  9. University of Florida Dr. H.G. Hall
  10. University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) Bee Lab | Dr. G.E. Robinson
  11. University of Kansas Bee Molecular Lab Dr. D. Smith
  12. University of Miami Dr. K.D. Waddington
  13. University of Montana Bee Lab | Dr. J.J. Bromenshenk
  14. Universtity of Minnesota Bee Lab Dr. M.S. Spivak
  15. Washington State University Bee Molecular Lab | Dr. S.W. Sheppard
  16. USDA Bee Labs: | Baton Rouge, LA | Belt sville, MD | Carl Hayden, AZ | Weslaco, TX

  17. University of Guelph Bee Lab: Dr. G.W. Otis | Dr. C.D. Scott-Dupree
  18. Simon Fraser University Bee Lab: Dr. M.L. Winston
  19. University of Manitoba Dr. R. Currie

  20. Bee Division of the Agricultural University - SGGW (Poland)
  21. Honeybee Science Research Center - Tamagawa University (Japan)

Entomology Department or Programs:

  1. Auburn University Entomology

  2. Colorado State University
  3. Clemson University

  4. Iowa State University

  5. Kansas State University
  6. Louisiana State University

  7. Michigan State University
  8. Mississippi State University
  9. Montana State University Bozeman Department of Entomology

  10. North Carolina State University

  11. The Ohio State University,
  12. The Ohio State University Insect Collection
  13. Oklahoma State University
  14. Oregon State University

  15. Pennsylvania State University Department of Entomology
  16. Purdue University

  17. Rutgers University

  18. Texas A & M University Department of Entomology

  19. University of Arizona

  20. University of California, Berkeley
  21. University of California, Davis
  22. University of California, Riverside
  23. University of Delaware
  24. University of Florida, Department of Entomology and Nematology
  25. University of Georgia Department of Ent omology
  26. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  27. University of Kansas Department of Entomology
  28. University of Kentucky
  29. University of Maine
  30. University of Massachusetts
  31. University of Minnesota Department of Entomology
  32. University of Missouri
  33. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Entomology
  34. University of Tennessee Department of Entomology & Plant Pathology
  35. University of Wisconsin at Madison Ent omology Department
  36. University of Wyoming Entomology
  37. Virginia Tech University

  38. Washington State University

  1. University of Adelaide
  2. Institute of Entomology Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  3. University of Queensland
  4. Zoological Museum University of Copenhagen

Scientific Societies and Organizations:

  1. The American Association for the Advancement of Science
  2. Animal Behavior Society
  3. Entomological Society of America
  4. International Union for the Study of Social Insects - North American Section
  5. International Society for Neuroethology
Major Funding Agencies:
  1. National Science Foundation
  2. National Institutes of Health
  3. United States Department of Agriculture
Biological Resources:
  1. BioPages Internet BioResources by Harvard University
  2. CMS-SDSC Molecular Biology Resource by San Diego Supercomputer Center
  3. Entrez Browser : Entrez Database by National Institutes of Health
  4. Entomology Index of Internet Resources by Iowa State University
  5. FlyBase: Genome Database of the fruitfly (Drosophila)
  6. GenBank at the NCBI, National Institutes of Health
General Interest:
  1. Tree of Life Phylogeny and biodiversity of our planet
  2. Web Universities List of all American Universities


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