The 3rd International Congress of Neuroethology, McGill University, Montreal,
Canada, Aug. 1992 (with G.E. Robinson)
Annual Meeting of Entomological Society of America, Baltimore, MD, Dec.
1992 (with G.E. Robinson)
The 12th International Congress of IUSSI, Paris, France, Aug. 1994 (with
G.E. Robinson)
Apiculture for the 21st Century, International Symposium, E. Lansing, MI,
June 1997
Endocrine Control of Social Behavior in Invertebrates, Animal Behavior
Society Meeting, Carbondale, IL, July 1998
Informal conference "Career development for Chinese entomologists", Annual
Meeting of Entomological Society of America, Las Vegas, NE, Dec. 1998
"Regulation of onset of foraging in honey bee workers" , Apimondia, Vancouver,
Canada, Sept. 1999
"Juvenile hormone and division of labor in Apis cerana" , 7th IBRA conference
on tropical bees: management and diversity & 5th Asian apiculture association
conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Mar. 2000
"Social inhibition of foraging honey bees" , Santa Fe Institute Social Insects
Working Group, Santa Fe, NM Oct. 2000
Dept. Biological Sciences, Illinois State University, Feb. 1996
Dept. Entomology, Michigan State University, Sept. 1997
"Nosema disease: a hidden threat to honey bees" Dept. Entomology, Michigan
State University, June 1998
"Regulation of behavioral development in honey bees: genetic physiological,
and biochemical mechanisms", Dept. Entomology, Michigan State University,
June 1998
"Regulation of foraging age in honey bee workers", Dept. Entomology, Purdue
University, Oct. 1999
"Regulation of division of labor in honey bees", Dept of Apiculture, Yunnan
Agricultural University, Nov. 1999
"Recent Entomological Research in North America", Hunan Agricultural University,
Dec. 1999
"Honey bee research at Michigan State University and North America", Institute
of Apicultural Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Aug. 2000
"Bumble bee biology and commercial rearing", Institute of Vegetable Research,
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Aug. 2000
"Importance of honey bee pollination for agriculture", International workshop
for sustainable agricultural in developing countries", Institute of Pomology,
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hebei, China, Aug. 2000
"Basic and applied research combined: honey bee projects at MSU", Xishuangbanna
Tropical Botanical Garden, Yunnan, China, May 2001
"Mitezapper: a new method for controlling varroa mites", Institute of Apicultural
Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China, June.
"Basic and applied research combined: honey bee projects at MSU", Department
of Entomology, China Agricultural University, June 2001. 30. "Basic and applied
research combined: honey bee projects at MSU", Zoological Institute, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, June 2001.
Annual Meeting of Entomological Society of America, New
Orleans, LA, Dec. 1990. (with C.O. Knowles)
Annual Meeting of Entomological Society of America, New
Orleans, LA, Dec. 1990 (with G.E. Robinson)
The 2nd Annual Argonne Symposium for Undergraduates in
Science, Engineering and Mathematics, Argonne, IL, Nov. 1991 (with M.E. O'Neal
& G.E. Robinson)
Annual Meeting of Entomological Society of America, Reno,
NV, Dec. 1991 (with G.E. Robinson)
The 15th Annual Meeting of Midwest Neurobiologists, Columbia,
MO, Mar. 1992 (with G.E. Robinson)
The 3rd International Congress of Neuroethology, McGill
University, Montreal, Canada, Aug. 1992 (with M.E. O'Neal & G.E. Robinson)
Annual Meeting of Entomological Society of America, Baltimore,
MD, Dec. 1992 (with G.E. Robinson)
Annual Meeting of Entomological Society of America, Indianapolis,
IN, Dec. 1993 (with T. Giray & G.E. Robinson)
Annual Meeting of Entomological Society of America, Indianapolis,
IN, Dec. 1993 (with G.E. Robinson)
Annual Meeting of Entomological Society of America, Indianapolis,
IN, Dec. 1993 (with G.E. Robinson)
The 6th International Conference on Juvenile Hormones,
Woods Hole, MA, Sept. 1995 (with G.E. Robinson)
The 6th Annual Argonne Symposium for Undergraduates in
Science, Engineering and Mathematics, Argonne, IL, Nov. 1995 (with O. Jassim
& G.E. Robinson)
Annual Meeting of Entomological Society of America, Las
Vegas, NE, Dec. 1995 (with D. Schulz & G.E. Robinson)
Annual Meeting of Entomological Society of America, Las
Vegas, NE, Dec. 1995 (with G.E. Robinson)
The 19th Annual Meeting of Midwest Neurobiologists, Madison,
WI, June 1996 (with O.W. Jassim & G.E. Robinson)
The 19th Annual Meeting of Midwest Neurobiologists, Madison,
WI, June 1996
Annual Meeting of Entomological Society of America, Louisville,
KY, Dec. 1996 (with D.W. Borst, S.E. Fahrbach & G.E. Robinson)
International Union for the Study of Social Insects/North
American Section Meeting, Nederland, CO. Sep 1997 (with D. Schulz and G.E.
American Bee Research Conference, Colorado Springs, CO,
Jan. 1998
Annual Meeting of Entomological Society of America, Las
Vegas, NE, Dec. 1998
American Bee Research Conference, Apimondia, Vancouver,
Canada, Sep. 1999 (with R. Lin)
Annual Meeting of Entomological Society of America, Atlanta,
GA, Dec. 1999 (with R. Lin)
Annual Meeting of Entomological Society of America, Atlanta,
GA, Dec. 1999 (with R. Wang and K. Dong)
2nd International Conference of Africanized Bees and
Bee Mites, Tucson, AZ, Apr, 2000 (with R. Wang, K. Dong, P.J. Elzen and J.
American Bee Research Conference, Eastern Apicultural
Society, Salisbury, MD, Aug. 2000
"A novel invention for controlling Varroa jacobsoni,
a parasite of the honey bees", Annual Meeting of Entomological Society
of America, Montreal, Canada, Dec. 2000
"The distribution of Varroa jacobsoni in swarms,
afterswarms and remaining bees in the Western honey bees Apis mellifera",
Annual Meeting of Entomological Society of America, Montreal, Canada, Dec.
2000 (with J. Schmidt-Bailey)
"Molecular and functional analysis of a sodium channel
gene of the Varroa mite, Varroa jacobsoni", Annual Meeting of
Entomological Society of America, Montreal, Canada, Dec. 2000 (with R. Wang
and K. Dong)
"Earlier foraging in carbon dioxide anesthetized
bees: is it juvenile hormone mediated?", Annual Meeting of Entomological
Society of America, Montreal, Canada, Dec. 2000 (with E. Foster)
"Does Nosema apis affect age of first foraging in
honey bees via juvenile hormone?", Annual Meeting of Entomological Society
of America, Montreal, Canada, Dec. 2000 (with R. Lin)
"Melatonin and division of labor in honey bee workers",
Annual Meeting of Entomological Society of America, Montreal, Canada, Dec.
2000 (with R. Yu)
"The Spartan Mitezapper: a novel method for mite control",
American Bee Research Conference, Port Deposit, MA, Sept 2001 (50 people).
"Larger cell size reduces varroa mite reproduction",
American Bee Research Conference, Port Deposit, MA, Sept 2001 (50 people).
Extension and outreach presentations
"Beekeeping in China", Toronto District Beekeepers Association,
Feb. 1985
"Activation of food glands in worker bees", Toronto District Beekeepers
Association, Mar. 1988
"Social regulation of forager development", Illinois State Beekeeping
Association Annual Meeting, Nov. 1997
"Nosema Disease", Missouri State Beekeepers Association Fall Meeting,
Lake of Ozarks, Missouri, Oct. 10, 1998
"Behavioral sequences of worker honey bees", Missouri State Beekeepers
Association Fall Meeting, Lake of Ozarks, Missouri, Oct. 10, 1998
"Division of labor in the hive", Missouri State Beekeepers Association
Fall Meeting, Michigan State Beekeepers Association, Cadillac, Oct, 1998
"Social organization of the honey bee colony", Agricultural and
Natural Resources Week, MSU, Mar. 1999
"Research program at Michigan State University", Ontario Bee Breeders'
Association Annual Queen Breeding Workshop, Guelph, Ont. Mar. 1999
"A closer look at the Nosema problem", Southeast
Michigan Beekeepers' Association 61st
Annual Bee School, Schoolcraft College, MI, April 1999
"Social organization of the honey bee colony",
Keynote Speaker, Southeast Michigan Beekeepers' Association 61st
Annual Bee School, Schoolcraft College, MI, April 1999
"Social structure of the honey bee colony", Keynote Speaker, Indiana
Beekeeper's Association Summer Meeting, Warsaw, IN, June 1999
"Demonstration of mite resistance field test", Michigan Beekeeper's
Association Summer Meeting, St. Charles, MI, July 1999
"Demonstration of mite resistance field test Southwest Michigan Beekeeper's
Meeting", St. Joseph, MI, July 1999
"Demonstration of mite resistance field test", Southeast Michigan
Beekeeper's Meeting, Davisburg, MI, July 1999
"Small hive beetle report and demonstration of mite resistance field
test", Holland Beekeeper's Meeting, Holland, MI, July 1999
"Update on the small hive beetle, a new pest in honey bees",
Pesticide Education and Regulatory Update, E. Lansing, MI, Oct. 1999
"Small Hive Beetle", Plant Industry Section Fall Training, Pesticide
and Plant Pest Management Division, Michigan Department of Agriculture, Lansing,
MI, Oct. 1999
"Small Hive beetle update", Michigan Beekeepers' Association
Fall Meeting, Big Rapids, MI, Oct. 1999
"Pesticide resistance: how do bugs get it?", Agricultural and
Natural Resources Week Beekeeping Program, Michigan State University, Mar.
"What is buzzing with bee research at Michigan State University?",
Michigan State Beekeepers' Association Fall Meeting, Big Rapids, Oct. 2000
"Age-related behavior of workers, and how they know when and what to
do?", Indiana Beekeepers Association, Middlebury, IN, May 2000
"What is new with the small hive beetle?", Michigan Beekeepers
Association and Indiana Beekeepers Association Joint Summer Meeting, Nappanee,
IN, June 2000
"Honey bee research at Michigan State University", Michigan Beekeepers
Association Fall Meeting, Big Rapids, MI, Oct. 2000
"Varroa mites and Chinese bees", Michigan Beekeepers Association
Fall Meeting, Big Rapids, MI, Oct. 2000
"Mitezapper for Varroa control: simple idea, great effect", Agricultural
and Natural Resources Week Beekeeping Program, Michigan State University,
Mar. 2001
"Two Web-Related Projects at MSU to Help Beekeepers", Agricultural
and Natural Resources Week Beekeeping Program, Michigan State University,
Mar. 2001
"Mitezapper for Varroa control: simple idea, great
effect", Southeast Michigan Beekeepers' Association 63rd
Annual Bee School, Schoolcraft College, MI, Mar. 2001
"A new way to deal with resistant mites -- Zap 'em!", Joint meeting of Michigan
Beekeepers' Association and Ontario Beekeepers' Association Summer Meeting,
July 2001 (120).
"Beekeeping with Apis cerana in China", Eastern Apicultural Society Conference,
Capecod, MA, Aug. 2001 (110 people).
"A Non-chemical Approach to Varroa Mite Control -- Introducing the Electrifying
Mitezapper", Eastern Apicultural Society Conference, Capecod, MA, Aug. 2001
(80 people).