Rob (Ronglin) Yu
Department of Entomology
243 Natural Science Building
Michigan University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1115
Telephone 517 432 0965
Fax no.: 517 353 4354E-mail:
Ph.D Degree: Dec. 1994-May 1998,
Agricultural University of Norway
Honeybee biotechnologyM.S degree (Master of Science):
1984-1987 Yangzhou University, China
Major: Animal genetics and breedingB.A degree (Bachelor of Science):
1980-1984: Yangzhou University, China
Major: Animal Science
Research experiences:
Biotechniques in honeybee- Honeybee embryo cloning
Structural or ultra-structural bioloy research in veterinary by electron microscopy
Immunology and microbiolog
Cell biology and cell pathology
Publications (selected)