Rob Yu
Postdoctoral Associate

243 Natural Science
Phone: (517) 432-0985
Fax: (517) 353-4354

B.Sc. Animal Sciences,
Yangzhou University
M.Sc. Animal Genetics and Breeding, Yangzhou University, China
Ph.D. Honeybee biotechnology, Agricultural University of Norway

Rob started his research carreer in animal science but later switched to honey bees. He obtained his Ph.D. in Norway with Prof. Stig Omholt and successfully "cloned" honey bee queens by bisecting the early embryo and injecting them into de-nucleated eggs. He joined the MSU Beelab January 2000 and is invesigating the role of melatonin in regulating the social behavior in honey bees.

[CV] [[Research Report ] [[BeeLab]